
Webinar : meet Digifed technical partners to prepare your submission

Le 07/10/2020
Webinar : meet Digifed technical partners to prepare your submission

In view of DigiFed’s second Open Call, DigiFed is hosting a new series of webinars with updated information on how to participate.  

Two technical interactive web meetings to help guide applicants in the preparation for the submission of their technical offer proposals to the DigiFed open call for applications.

The bootcamp sessions give attendees the opportunity to interact will experts in the field of :

  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet of Things
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Autonomous Vehicles


The second web meeting will be held on october 14th.

Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Le 07/10/2020 de 10h00 à 11h00



Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Contactez :

Bastien Hualpa
Bastien Hualpa
Chargé de mission Europe
06 21 96 71 83
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