
Webinar SmartEnergy - Digitalising energy in Europe

Le 10/09/2020
Webinar SmartEnergy - Digitalising energy in Europe

Discover the EU project focusing on the crossroads between energy & digital technologies


SmartEnergy : The European program dedicated to the digitalisation of the Energy transition to boost your business within Europe with reliable partners


SmartEnergy - Digitalising energy in Europe-  is an EU funded project focusing on the crossroads between energy & digital technologies. Our general objective is to create a European strategic clusterpartnership based on the collaboration between 6 leading EU clusters.

Our concrete aim is to support you! the stakeholders of our energy ecosystem in accessing the EU & global market. We do this by strengthening our own business support capacity to bring your innovation to the market.

How? With the EU ClusterXchange program. This is a new pilot programme to support short-term exchanges to better connect Europe’s energy ecosystems.

Are you an SME, tech centre, research  institute, fab lab, digital innovation hub, creative hubs, incubators or an accelerator? Participate by hosting or visiting your counterparts from all over the EU!

Register for this webinar and get started to boost the market uptake of your innovation!

Infos pratiques
Où et Quand ?
Date & horaires

Le 10/09/2020 de 11h00 à 12h00

Vous voulez en savoir plus ? Contactez :

Laure Quintin
Laure Quintin
Directrice Europe
06 04 91 17 99
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