
SmartCity Expo World Congress

Du 07/11/2023 au 09/11/2023
SmartCity Expo World Congress

Held in Barcelona since 2011, Smart City Expo World Congress is the world’s biggest and most influential event for cities and urban innovation. Every year, we gather leaders from the most innovative companies, governments and organizations to move cities towards a better future. Our goal is to collectivize urban innovation across the globe and empower cities to face the critical challenges the world faces today.

They want to accelerate a brighter urban paradigm towards green, efficient and thriving cities that leave no one behind.

The global population is expected to grow to 10B by 2050, and 70% of these people will live in cities. In 40 years, we will have built as many new cities as in all of human history. The future of humanity is inevitably urban, and digitization stands as an essential, unstoppable revolution to ensure future-proof cities focused on people and the environment. At the crossroads of tech and cities, there’s an opportunity for a more sustainable and equitable world where new business and collaboration models arise. Smart City Expo is the place to catalyze a powerful urban tomorrow worldwide.

Where and When?
Date and Time

Du 07/11/2023 au 09/11/2023

Want to know more? Contact:

Marie Thiery
Marie Thiery
Business Developer
+33 (0)6 43 02 45 45
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