Holodeck by BeSpoon & Kolor offers a science-fiction-worthy teleportation-like experience accessible to a broad range of consumers. Users simply set up around a half-dozen beacons right in their living room (or any other place); the beacons locate the user to within centimeters. The user then puts on a pair of stereoscopic teleportation glasses equipped with the SpoonPhone, BeSpoon's smartphone with location capabilities. All it takes is a few seconds to transform any space into a Holodeck. The user is instantly teleported to and can move around within a faraway (previously-digitized) place. This impressive technology combines two major innovations: * the precision location capabilities developed by BeSpoon under the Minalogic-certified Lokeos project (co-certified with SCS). * The immersive display experience developed by Kolor, just a few kilometers down the road from BeSpoon. The system has garnered interest from business users in a number of fields. However, because it is affordable and easy to use, it also offers the advantage of being accessible to a broad range of consumers. Ultimately, BeSpoon and Kolor would like to see every home with its own Holodeck!L'histoire du produit
Holodeck is a classic case of the good things that can happen when clusters like Minalogic help their members network. Which is how BeSpoon and Kolor came to work together, combining their precision location and immersive display technologies . The two companies knew each other well; some of their engineers had even worked together previously. However, they had to travel thousands of kilometers to the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to hatch a new idea for an interactive immersive experience at the crossroads of the two companies' respective technologies. And the more they talked about it, the better the idea seemed: * Kolor had the know-how to assemble spheres to digitize a physical space and move around within it. * BeSpoon had a technology capable of pinpointing a person's movements within a given space. Combining the two technologies resulted in a major advance, one that would allow people to move around within digitized spaces simply by putting on a pair of special glasses. Anyone's living room can be transformed into a Holodeck, giving "the average Joe" access to a world of fascinating places, no matter how far away they may be.
6 million euros for the location technology;
10K euros for the Holodeck
Emplois créés
9 jobs requiring a graduate degree or higher
Brevets déposés
7 patents filed to date
Délai de mise sur le marché
6 months