Digital readiness audits: Make your digital transformation a success

Don’t embark on any major digital transformation project without doing a digital readiness audit first! It is all about knowing what your organization’s strengths and weaknesses are before you start. An audit will generally include specific recommendations and individual support to help your organization navigate the transformation process through to – successful – completion!
A company’s capacity to adopt and implement digital technologies capable of creating a strategic advantage on increasingly competitive markets has become a key success factor.
MinaSmart, the European Digital Innovation Hub in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, has inventoried the audits available within the regional ecosystem and can help companies select the best audit solution for their needs.
Here are just a few of the audit solutions on offer:
► Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises :
Eval’Digital is for Industry 4.0 projects
This audit, offered by a regional economic development agency, covers your company’s value chain and main organizational functions. The audit will provide you with an assessment of your company’s digital readiness, and give you insights into the value digital technology could add to your business. You will learn what actions to implement and will receive recommendations tailored to your company’s needs and resources.
Fore more info, please contact Sebastien Gay
Before you apply for a European project: Diag’Europe
This audit is part of the Ambition Région International program. The purpose of this audit is to assess the potential for your company to grow Europe-wide and to determine what resources you will need before you prepare an EU project proposal.
For more info, please contact Sara Maiez-Tribut
ENE, a nonprofit, was established to help SMEs and VSEs use digital technology in very practical ways to innovate and improve their performance. The organization administers several support programs in the region: Usine Numérique Régionale, Industrie du futur, Ambition Eco Numérique, Atouts Numériques. All of these programs include audits that vary depending on the partners involved and the tools used. Some audits are developed and delivered individually to meet each company’s unique needs.
Fore more info, please contact Florence Calero or Denis Chatain
CAP'TRONIC audit, the first step in any electronics-based project
CAP'TRONIC is a center for expertise in electronics. It was established to help France-based companies bring digital technology and, specifically, connected electronic systems, into their products and production processes. CAP'TRONIC provides audit and consulting services at every step of your electronics-based project. Support services address both technology and financial aspects, with tools like:
- Cybersecurity audits
- Software audits
- Risks and dependencies assessments
- Industrial IoT (IIoT) audits
- Electronics scaleup audits
- Traceability audits
- Manufacturing process audits
Fore more info, please contact Philippe Marcel
► Cetim
Label Industrie audit helps you prepare for the future of industry
Audit your organization, check that your objectives are the right ones, and determine your exact needs (production, sales and marketing, maintenance, technology, digital tools, management, skills, etc.) so that you can focus on priority actions. You will also have what you need to access the support services available in the region at every step of your project.
Fore more info, please contact Bruno Davier
► Bpifrance
Artificial Intelligence data audit can help you identify areas for growth and learn how to use AI to drive transformation within your company
This audit is for SMEs from any industry that would like to be able to identify new areas for growth and use AI to drive their transformation projects.
Fore more info, please contact Florent Genoux