OpenSludio is a Digital Services Company committed to open source which has solid experience in custom web
development, e-commerce and artificial intelligence. Since its creation in 2005 and the opening of its first agency in Puy en Velay, OpenStudio has grown strongly (OpenStudio achieved 4.3 M € turnover in 2020 and employs more than 60 people) and is established in Clermont-Ferrand, Toulouse, Paris and Lyon. Having developed numerous digital platforms (more than 400 projects in 15 years) and contributed to the creation of the open source Thelia e-commerce platform, OpenStudio also operates in the field of IT for Green and is a member of the E5T foundation as well as of the GreenlT Alliance. Since 2018, OpenSludio has had its own artificial intelligence laboratory and resourœs dedicated to R&D (Research and Development).
AI, Cybersecurity, IoT, Software
Cultural and Creative Industries
1 Place Bellecour
Directeur de l’agence de Lyon & Directeur du Lab IA