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Bertin Alpao

ALPAO has launched a new deformable mirror housing

ALPAO has launched its new compact housing production. All deformable mirror with less than 100 actuators will use this new design.


ALPAO’s deformable mirrors feature large strokes, linearity and fast settling time to meet and exceed your requirements for fast, accurate wavefront correction.
The new housing is part of ALPAO’s initiative to offer increasingly compact deformable mirrors. The depth has been decreased from 80mm to 18.6mm. The engineering team optimized not only the height but also the complete system, to reduce the weight of the final structure. The weight is now 180-gram instead of 480-gram, two and a half times lighter.


Thanks to this new housing, users will have the opportunity to reduce their system size with a lighter and more compact deformable mirror. ALPAO marks a major milestone toward embedded adaptive optics systems, and also very important for industrial applications where each cm² counts to have the most compact system.

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