
MinaSmart launched to support the digital transformation of SMEs in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

MinaSmart launched to support the digital transformation of SMEs in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region

Minalogic and its 12 partners announce the official launch of MinaSmart, the EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub[1]) for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. MinaSmart aims to support the digital transformation of the region’s traditional small and medium-sized businesses.

MinaSmart is one of 16 EDIH projects selected by the European Commission in France, out of a total of 152 projects across Europe. Over 280 projects initially applied to the European Commission’s call for projects under the Digital Europe Programme[2] (DIGITAL). The EDIHs will help companies to digitalize their products, services, and processes, enabling them to become more competitive.

Contributing to the digitization of the region’s traditional businesses

MinaSmart stems from an initiative that Minalogic started several years ago, to create a regional innovation network covering Europe. Its mission is to support the digital transformation and innovation of SMEs in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, within the six regional strategic industries – energy, mechanical engineering, textiles, environment, food processing, and health – while also focusing on the industries of the future with a cross-functional approach. MinaSmart will draw on the region’s expertise in the fields of (embedded) artificial intelligence, cybersecurity & cyber-physical systems, and high-performance computing  .

As the European Digital Innovation Hub for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, MinaSmart also aims to help digital players take Europe by storm in order to find new markets and use cases and identify future prospects and partners on a European scale.

Minasmart’s service offering will include:

  • awareness-raising and training events on digital solutions for SMEs,
  • access to innovation and technology transfer by understanding use cases, the value chain and access to testing grounds,
  • practical courses tailored to SMEs to make artificial intelligence and cybersecurity more accessible (diagnostics, support plans, provision of an outsourced CISO, etc.)
  • support in accessing private and public financing,
  • support for skills management, with access to targeted training courses in addition to recruitment organizations and events.


A consortium of multidisciplinary partners

MinaSmart brings together a number of   digital experts in the region: the Minalogic innovation cluster (coordinator), the ENE, the Digital League cluster, the CEA, Inria, and the SWARM platform.

Distribution to traditional SMEs will be facilitated through partnerships with the Agence Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Entreprises agency, the Campus Région du numérique training center, and the innovation clusters associated with the region’s strategic industries:


MinaSmart’s selection by the European Commission recognizes the excellence of our regional ecosystem and our ability to work collectively for the benefit of businesses. This scheme, which draws on the scientific strength of our researchers and their ability to transfer their knowledge and technologies, heralds new opportunities, both locally and on a European scale," says Antoine Camus, Director of Cybersecurity & MinaSmart within the Minalogic innovation cluster.



[1] Definition of European Digital Innovation Hubs – European Commission website

[2] Presentation of the Digital Europe Programme – European Commission website

Want to know more? Contact:

Antoine Camus
Antoine Camus
Cybersecurity & MinaSmart EDIH Director
+33 (0)6 71 83 66 06
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